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Enhancing Accessibility and Inclusivity: ÷ÈÓ°ÊÓƵ Installs Translation and Accessibility Tools on Website

At ÷ÈÓ°ÊÓƵ we believe our diversity is one of our strengths. We welcome adults of all ages, abilities, religion, sexualities and believe everyone should have access to high quality education.

We aim to ensure that information is accessible to all, rather than just available to all. To support this, we have integrated new cutting-edge tools onto our website that facilitates seamless access to information for all users, regardless of language or physical ability.

The newly implemented accessibility features include audio reader compatibility, adjustable font sizes, and colour options, ensuring that individuals with visual impairments, or learning differences can navigate the website with ease. Additionally, the website now boasts a suite of translation tools, enabling visitors to translate content into multiple languages at the click of a button.

The decision to enhance the college’s online platform comes as part of a broader commitment to diversity and inclusion. Dipa Ganguli, OBE, Principal of ÷ÈÓ°ÊÓƵ emphasized the importance of creating an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

“We believe that access to information is fundamental, and it’s our responsibility to ensure that our website is accessible to all individuals, regardless of their abilities or language preferences. By integrating these tools, we’re taking a significant step towards making our online resources more inclusive.”

The installation of these accessibility and translation features reflects ongoing efforts at ÷ÈÓ°ÊÓƵ to prioritise accessibility and cater to our diverse student population. As we increasingly embrace digital platforms for communication and learning, initiatives like these play a crucial role in breaking down barriers to information and fostering a more inclusive community.

Feedback from students and staff has been positive, with many expressing appreciation for the college’s commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. Looking ahead, ÷ÈÓ°ÊÓƵ remains committed to further enhancing accessibility across all aspects of college life beyond the website, with a focus on ensuring that physical spaces, events, and resources are equally accessible to all members of the college community.

As educational institutions continue to embrace digital transformation, prioritising accessibility and inclusivity will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of their agendas. By leveraging technology to break down barriers and create more inclusive environments, educational institutes can better support the diverse needs of their students and staff, ultimately fostering a more equitable and accessible educational experience for all.

Try out the new feature by clicking the ‘Accessibility and Translations’ button in the header of this website, or by clicking the accessibility icon on devices (shown below).


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Email: learnerservices@wmcollege.ac.uk
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Tel: 020 7241 8572
Email: learnerservices@wmcollege.ac.uk